Sunday, January 1, 2012

Blue Christmas - Read w/ a Kleenex

Ok, so I know some of you are maybe wondering where that Christmas letter I promised you is?
Well, because it is a Blue Christmas Letter I thought it best to wait till after everyone's Merry Christmas.

First, sincerely Merry Christmas everyone!
We love you and are sorry if you did not receive a Merry Christmas till now, as the Holidays have been hard (the whole year really, and so we weren't good at the Merry this year).

Our year has had some really wonderful things happen! For example 2 of our friends were married this year (both beautiful brides might I say so myself). Their weddings were both wonderful and totally unique. I loved sharing in them and being part of a wedding party again was great to share the joy with the bride (love you Em, you were stunning...even the bird thought so ;) ). Also, we bought our house in a wonderful village (yep, I did say Village) named Hussar! It is stunning and David is so excited to build his man cave. We both still have our jobs as coffee roaster and receptionist/paper crafter instructor. We now have 7 absolutely adorable lizards to call our own. They are so sweet and personality packed (especially Kura). The ultimate gift we have this year to be thankful for is truly each other.

September was a month we will never forget, since it was not only when we celebrated our 1 year anniversary, but it is also when we lost our baby and I nearly died (I will write more on that later). So we are so grateful for all the people in our lives and each other. Life is a gift, you just can't get back when it is gone.

So that is why my Christmas was blue. How was your Christmas? Were you able to celebrate it with those you love?

Take care & many Blessings this Christmas.

David & Cora