I used to be of the opinion that what other people think matters, and I wanted to please everyone. I actually was under the illusion that it was completely possible and that we should try to please everyone.
Since my Utopian bubble burst this year (and I finally have seen the light), this has durastically changed.
Although I still do believe that we should work on showing others respect, love and dignity...I have finally learned that it isn't for everyone.
Some people will see your good intentions the wrong way, they will be dishonest, they will try to ruin you. There just simply, are people, not worth your time. They will never truly be happy, they are jealous of everyone and manipulitive.
How can you please the people who do not see you for who you really are or for the things you do?
You cannot.
Self absordbed people only see what they want to see, and not what really truly is. Unfortunatly, the world is full of people like this.
When the illusion crumbled around us, we realized where all the work was coming from in our relationships.
The ones doing the phoning, and inviting over was us. Very rarely did we receive phone calls to hang out or just chat. Now we have allowed the one sided relationships to just dissipate.
We realize that anything worth fighting for, requires effort...on
BOTH sides.
So we aren't fighting anymore for the relationships that don't have merit, and are not viewed with value from the other side.
We are who we are, and we have our own imperfections (just as everyone does). If you don't love us at our worst (or going through our worst), if you can't respect us for who we are, that we have lots to grow and learn ( we haven't exactly learned how to perfectly navigate the worlds social structure and we won't be fake to gain acceptance)...then you sure as hell do not deserve us at our best.
It feels like a giant weight has been lifted.
I know that I am growing as a person. I know that one day I will be who I was meant to be whole and complete. I also know what has been said about the work being done to finish me, and it will not be completed for a long time.
The first work done in me was according to this:
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."
~Proverbs 13:20
I will not subject myself and my family to pain any longer. We are surrounding ourselves with the wise and letting go of all the unecessary pain.