10 years ago
Friday, March 23, 2012
My friend said it right, when she was talking about what it is like to grieve (she was talking about her late husband). Although my loss will never be the same as hers and can never be compared...this is what she said about dealing with the constant thoughts of her late husband,
"It has been so long for everyone else that I mostly keep you to myself now. To bring you up, to speak of you, to relive our life garners strange looks, tilts of the head, and awkward escapes from my presence. I am the only one who remembers. I have no choice. You haunt me........ It is like we have our own secret life that nobody knows. This secret is the heaviest burden I have ever had to bear. It is like scrambling up a mountainside with a boulder strapped to you, dragging it slowly, painfully through the mud. While everyone else takes an escalator." {http://emilygarvinonedayatatime.blogspot.com/}
The way she is able to draw a picture with words is so amazing. She puts into words, the emotions that I find impossible to really convey (often she can do it with humor too and still get her point across).
The gravity of pain I am going through, I am incapable of expressing so others can really understand.
Instead people tell me I should be "moving on", stop thinking about it (after all it is over now, the miscarriages have come and gone), or just forget about it and let it go.
But I cannot.
Obviously, these people have never experienced this kind of pain or they would keep those thoughts to themselves. If this pain was something I could just turn off, trust me I would!
It is a never ending onslaught of an aching heart and painful reminders. Every pregnant belly that I see, or child kickstarts my memories.
The best way I can explain it to you, is that at any point I can think about our kids and think of where they would be in their milestones now.
Our first would be celebrating their second birthday this november.
Our second and third, I never remembered their exact birthdays (we didn't talk about it much and no one else wanted to talk about it either. That was when I was first told I didn't know what I was talking about, that I couldn't be infertile by... "friends"). All I remember is the overwhelming grief and coming to the terms with lost friendships (most of them believing that I hated them for having kids).
Our fourth would be about 3 months now and starting to pull themselves up.
Our fifth (the ectopic) would be due next month.
Our last pregnancy (which may have been twins), I would be about 4 months pregnant and able to see them clearly on the ultrasound. We would be painting their room and starting to build the crib. Instead, what would have been their birthdays is either my birthday or the anniversary of our ectopic. Either date will be rough.
Obviously I wouldn't have been able to have all these kids if we hadn't lost some of them, but nontheless I do think about them. They are all precious and ours, and will remain a lasting memory.
A family member gave us the book Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo after our ectopic in September. I read it in 2 days, and every word I zipped through to see if the child who saw heaven heard anything about unborn children while he was in heaven...and he did.
In the book the child says that his sibling was there, and said she had no name (since her parents hadn't named her yet).
Which means that Jesus tells them about what their parents named them or thought of them. I want Jesus to tell all our children that each one of them holds that special place in our heart and that we long for the day we too can hold them in our arms.
Those few words about what he learned is what also helps me through this...knowing that our children are in the presence of Jesus awaiting our arrival. Even more now I long to be in the presence of the Lord, where my most precious treasures dwell. :)
What I am saying is, so many people mistake someones grief for a lack of hope or trust in God.
Or for their inability to cope with or that they are depressed.
People often forget that the memory of a person does not die with them. It doesn't matter if you held that little person in your arms or if they died in the womb. The hopes, dreams and plans you had for them and your family are real and will never be forgotten. The unborn have two days that will always remind you of them, all the days you walk this earth and right into the next - angelverssaries and birthdays).
I am not depressed, crazy or obsessed...I'm grieving. God puts it into the best words to describe it.
Someone else whose blog I follow, had the perfect scripture that described the gravity of pain one experiences with this kind of loss.
It is Lamentations 3:13, 19-22
"He shot his arrows deep into my heart. The thought of my suffering and hopelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing Love of the Lord never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction."
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Introducing Our New Family Member...Winston!
On March 10th we picked up this super sweet bundle of joy (and some tears. lol), whom we have named Winston "Dyson" "Titan".
We named him Winston, since he is so smart, loyal and always seeking approval. Already he has learned to sit, and also to sit and wait for his food. "Dyson" is since he is a vacuum and sucks everything on the floor up! "Titan" was the nickname they had for him at the kennel we adopted him from, Klassic Kennels.

Winston met a good number of our friends that day and learned the same boundaries in their homes that apply at home. He did so well at being obedient...at the last house. lol
We already had all his toys and food ready, when we picked him up. So the ride home wasn't bad, as he had his owl to entertain him (it is now more of a Frankin-owl)
We went on plenty of walks/runs that day, so he slept for most of the ride and as you can see most of the seat. lol
He is growing everyday and is just now loosing the puppy fluff hair, for the coarser kind.
Since that day we have been working on being the 'Pack Leader', teaching him his boundaries (he is not allowed in the dining area or kitchen and our bathrooms or guest room), and to let us touch him wherever we want and whenever (so as to prevent any likely hood of aggression). We are also practicing his walks and he is improving all the time!
This is where he sleeps in the livingroom, when we are in there. He likes to be with us all the time! He isn't potty trained yet, but he is getting better. Only a couple accidents now, here or there.
We named him Winston, since he is so smart, loyal and always seeking approval. Already he has learned to sit, and also to sit and wait for his food. "Dyson" is since he is a vacuum and sucks everything on the floor up! "Titan" was the nickname they had for him at the kennel we adopted him from, Klassic Kennels.
Winston met a good number of our friends that day and learned the same boundaries in their homes that apply at home. He did so well at being obedient...at the last house. lol
We already had all his toys and food ready, when we picked him up. So the ride home wasn't bad, as he had his owl to entertain him (it is now more of a Frankin-owl)
He is growing everyday and is just now loosing the puppy fluff hair, for the coarser kind.
Since that day we have been working on being the 'Pack Leader', teaching him his boundaries (he is not allowed in the dining area or kitchen and our bathrooms or guest room), and to let us touch him wherever we want and whenever (so as to prevent any likely hood of aggression). We are also practicing his walks and he is improving all the time!
We love this little turkey! Welcome home Winston :)
Monday, March 19, 2012
This Is My Go To Cheer Up Song
This song never fails to pull me out of my "slumps". It gets me dancing and smiling and reminds me... in Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28)
If you missed the lyrics:
I'm not about to give up
Because I heard you say,
"There's gonna be brighter days.There's gonna be brighter days."
I won't stop,
I'll keep my head up
No, I'm not hear to stay.
"There's gonna be brighter days.
There's gonna be brighter days."
I just might bend,
But I won't brake
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move
I've got to hold 'er steady
Keep my head in the game
Everything is about to change
Everything is about to change
This hurt is is getting heavy
But I'm not about to cave
Everything is about to change
There's gonna be brighter days
I just might bend,
But I won't brake
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
I'm gonna move
No matter what may come
Gotta move to a different drum
No matter what life brings
Gotta move, gotta move to a different beat
I just might bend,
But I won't break
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
No matter what may come (I'm gonna move)
Gotta move to a different drum (I'm gonna move)
No matter what life brings
(I'm gonna move)
Gotta move, gotta move to a different beat
(I'm gonna move)
Because I heard you say,
"There's gonna be brighter days.There's gonna be brighter days."
I won't stop,
I'll keep my head up
No, I'm not hear to stay.
"There's gonna be brighter days.
There's gonna be brighter days."
I just might bend,
But I won't brake
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move (move)
I'm gonna move
I've got to hold 'er steady
Keep my head in the game
Everything is about to change
Everything is about to change
This hurt is is getting heavy
But I'm not about to cave
Everything is about to change
There's gonna be brighter days
I just might bend,
But I won't brake
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
I'm gonna move
No matter what may come
Gotta move to a different drum
No matter what life brings
Gotta move, gotta move to a different beat
I just might bend,
But I won't break
As I long as I can see your face.
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
When life won't play along,
and right keeps going wrong
and I can't seem to find my way
I know where I am found
So I won't let it drag me down
Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway
No matter what may come (I'm gonna move)
Gotta move to a different drum (I'm gonna move)
No matter what life brings
(I'm gonna move)
Gotta move, gotta move to a different beat
(I'm gonna move)
Monday, March 12, 2012
This Song Gets Me
The Chapman Family is amazing. They have survived the most horrifying realty, which is loosing a child. Yet their story is more then that, since they lost theirs in an accident with their older child at fault. How does one move past that and heal?
I used to think, how can I cope? How can I keep moving forward, when I just want the whole world to pause (so I can have time to deal with this, no interruptions)? Yet that is not the reality we have, I have to find a way to keep going and face each day.
This song explains so well how I feel and how I need to get through this.
Hope it encourages you as well, to trust that God will be with you through anything...even when you can't wait to have a real hug from Him in person!
I Will Trust You
Steven Curtis Chapman
I don't even wanna breathe right now
All I wanna do is close my eyes
But I don't wanna open them again
Until I'm standing on the other side
I don't even wanna be right now
I don't wanna think another thought
And I don't wanna feel this pain I feel
And right now, pain is all I've got
It feels like it's all I've got, but I know it's not
No, I know You're all I've got
And I will trust You, I'll trust You
Trust You, God, I will
Even when I don't understand, even then I will say again
You are my God, and I will trust You
God, I'm longing for the day to come
When this cloudy glass I'm looking through
Is shattered in a million pieces
And finally I can just see You
God, You know I believe it's true
I know I will see You
But until the day I do
I will trust You, trust You
Trust You, God, I will
Even when I don't understand
Even then I will say again
You are my God, and I'll trust You
And with every breath I take
And for every day that breaks
I will trust You
I will trust You
And when nothing is making sense
Even then I will say again
God, I trust You
I will trust You
I know Your heart is good
I know Your love is strong
And I know Your plans for me
Are much better than my own
So I will trust You, trust You
I trust You, God, I do
Even when I can't see the end
And I will trust You
I will trust You, I will
Even when I don't understand
Even then I will say again
I will trust You, I will trust You, I will
I know Your heart is good,
Your love is strong,
Your plans for me are better than my own
Yeah, Your heart is good
Your love is strong
Your plans for me are better than my own
And I trust You
You are my God
And I will trust You
Friday, March 9, 2012
Adding to Our Family
Some people probably think we are nuts for saying that our pets are like family to us, but they are. They mean so much to us and are really good at comforting when the times are tough. They all have their own personalities and quirks. Believe it or not our largest member (Kura) actually gets grumpy if we take too long getting home (of course he probably is just wondering where his human heater is, but we like to think he cares about us. lol)
I know we couldn't possibly be the only ones that have decided to either start their family off with the four-legged variety or choose to have them be "the kids". Pets are so amazing and although a ton of work, completely rewarding.
That being said, with David planning on heading to school in July...we decided to add a more cuddly family member.
I know we couldn't possibly be the only ones that have decided to either start their family off with the four-legged variety or choose to have them be "the kids". Pets are so amazing and although a ton of work, completely rewarding.
That being said, with David planning on heading to school in July...we decided to add a more cuddly family member.
Of course, as David has said, we have to meet the little guy first and see if he is a fit. Not unusual for me, I have already decided he is a fit by what I have heard and seen. lol We are looking so forward to seeing him tomorrow and some of our friends, who we miss so darn much!
I can't wait! Hopefully one day we will have another four-legged kind of kid. Until God lets us in on the plan, I will end it with a cute joke.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
They Make Mountains Out of...
Do you ever have someone say they really want to have kids right now, but there is something holding them back?
They proceed to tell you (I am unsure of whether they realize or not) the ways to which they continue to hold themselves back. Contributing to the reason they can't, but they want to soooo bad!
It is frustrating to hear this over and over again from the same people, when I wish it was a case of more money, time, less bills or whatever their reason; for us to have a child.
In order for us to have kids now, we must pass the scrutiny of the multitudes. Not just the people we do know, but the government and social workers as well. We need references and lots of money. We even have to write a bio page about us and our house, so the mother can look at our home and decide if that fits what she wants for her child (will our house be big enough for anyone, will our looks work against us, will anyone accept our pets, our jobs or the rest of our family?) Then we also have to pay for lawyers and any other fees associated with the adoption process.
I wish this whole process were simpler. I wish there wasn't going to be interviews twice with a social worker, that will assess our home, finances and well us! We are nervous, since we do not have full family support. In fact some of the family is opposed. This is hard for us, when deep down we look at everyone else that will have a baby born this year and none of them endure all this scrutiny.
No women in Canada that is pregnant will have their finances assessed, their homes judged or they're mental health evaluated. Yet people are telling us that adoption is so easy!
It is the first thing people say to us when we miscarry again, "don't worry you can always adopt!"
Even the adoption website makes it clear that we could pass all the government evals, legal parameters and have a profile in the box..."We certainly can't and don't promise that every family will get a baby. "
Then there is how long it will take.."be prepared for a three year wait with the understanding that it could be much shorter or much longer".
When you are picked, in Canada, it is legal for the birth mother to withdraw her parental release and take her child back (anywhere within 10 days after the date the birth mother signed the consent forms or she can fight in court anytime after that time, stating she signed under duress. A judge could then revoke our parental rights). All these things scare us!
So please do not complain to me about things stopping you and then in the following sentence how you are doing it to yourself. People in my shoes would give anything to have their own baby, and nothing gets in their way. If we can make it through this mountain, then your stuff looks more like a mole hill.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
How Do I Make It Through?
God is giving me strength and he is using this blog to do it.
Also he is using another blog called 999 Reasons To Laugh at Infertility
Once again their post started my day with a good laugh. If there was an infertility book, here are some title possibilities (these were my faves):
My absolute favorite has to be the 3 hrs late & I feel giddy. lol Been there before and then you are counting every hour after a blessing and you want to call all your friends and tell them you're pregnant. lol
They have another really good one called #631 Everyone has a Baby but you The fertility doctor and the bowl of ice cream were my faves.
Hope your day starts off merry too!
Also he is using another blog called 999 Reasons To Laugh at Infertility
Once again their post started my day with a good laugh. If there was an infertility book, here are some title possibilities (these were my faves):
- We made a baby and my husband wasn’t even in the room.
- Whodonit? I just murdered my period.
- I can’t afford fertility treatment but I can afford this bottle of alcohol.
- My period is three hours late and I feel giddy.
- My eggs might be cracked but my heart is still hopeful.
- I might be old and grey before I conceive, but it will happen.
My absolute favorite has to be the 3 hrs late & I feel giddy. lol Been there before and then you are counting every hour after a blessing and you want to call all your friends and tell them you're pregnant. lol
They have another really good one called #631 Everyone has a Baby but you The fertility doctor and the bowl of ice cream were my faves.
Hope your day starts off merry too!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Do You Ever Feel...
...Like you're that kid stuck on the merry-go-round and you cannot get off?
That's what I feel like lately. It is exacerbated by all the reminders around me of what I want, and cannot have.
I haven't scrapbooked for awhile, because my scrapbook room has all the kits and papers and stamps that I bought for making baby, and family albums.
It just sucks the creativity juices right out of me!
I miss the days when I had a Stamp Club, where every month I had to do at least 2 cards and prep for a class. It forced me to face my scrapbook room in a positive light. Now that my club is gone, I just feel like burning all the stuff!
I also miss chatting with people. I wish some of them had become friendships, like I imagined they would when I first moved to Calgary. It was part of the reason I started my own business; to meet people.
Now, I talk mostly to friends 1-3 hours away and miss them so much! I wish I could put my house on a truck and move it somewhere close to my friends. I miss morning sanity-keeping coffees and games nights frequently. I miss scrapbooking with my neighbors and friends, who I haven't called since all this crap started (what do I say? I don't want to heap a bunch of depressing crap on them.)
*sigh* Just hanging out on my merry-go-round.
That's what I feel like lately. It is exacerbated by all the reminders around me of what I want, and cannot have.
I haven't scrapbooked for awhile, because my scrapbook room has all the kits and papers and stamps that I bought for making baby, and family albums.
It just sucks the creativity juices right out of me!
I miss the days when I had a Stamp Club, where every month I had to do at least 2 cards and prep for a class. It forced me to face my scrapbook room in a positive light. Now that my club is gone, I just feel like burning all the stuff!
I also miss chatting with people. I wish some of them had become friendships, like I imagined they would when I first moved to Calgary. It was part of the reason I started my own business; to meet people.
Now, I talk mostly to friends 1-3 hours away and miss them so much! I wish I could put my house on a truck and move it somewhere close to my friends. I miss morning sanity-keeping coffees and games nights frequently. I miss scrapbooking with my neighbors and friends, who I haven't called since all this crap started (what do I say? I don't want to heap a bunch of depressing crap on them.)
*sigh* Just hanging out on my merry-go-round.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Gossip "in the name of Jesus!"
Originally I was not going to share my infertility updates with people anymore; which I had decided just prior to my Ectopic in September. Already I had noticed the effects of being open with my struggle (the disbelief, ostricising, gossip and hurtful comments; including that I just don't have enough faith and that is why no baby yet). Then when the ectopic happened the only 3 people we did share it with, told people they knew and all of them used the same excuse - you needed prayer. From there it has spread.
Us women know we are not to gossip. Christian women know this especially, since the Bible makes Gods stance very clear. Which is...don't!
{Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13; Romans 1:29; 1 Timothy 5:13; Matthew 7:1; Proverbs 18:8}
Yet some people find it their business to tell other peoples personal business to everyone! The worst part, they use God. They tell themselves it isn't gossiping if they ask someone to pray for you or your situation. If they feel for you and share it with someone else then it is all good right? That means they are just concerned for you.
Ladies, it is still gossip if you call it something else (just like a lie is a lie, no matter the colour).
Myself, I have become the "righteous gossiper". Those who have gossiped about me, I feel should be open targets for me to gossip about. I don't mean that I intentionally set out to do it either. Just that in the moment, my anger takes over and revenge spills out. To say my hurt hasn't turned to anger and then into bitterness would be a farce. I am angry. I am bitter!
Mostly though, my husband and I both, are really hurt. We wanted to believe that there was somebody who would understand our desire to grieve in private, and we really didn't want the whole world to know (Galatians 6:2 ESV). We didn't want to experience all those things again. Just before I decided to start blogging this, we found out that everyone at my work knows. So somebody spread the news again even further, and these were people we specifically asked to please not tell a soul!
So why not talk about it, when everyone already know. The only thing that will be news to them is what it feels like going through all the effects of Multiple Miscarriages and Infertility.
After all, we had already heard enough about how we "need to pray more" (which thanks for the tip, but my husband has been praying over my belly since we were first married and I have been personally doing it for 6 years, so you can relax in knowing...thats not it), we don't have hope (I think the previous posts covers this a bit), we don't believe in the miracles that God performs (I have personally witnessed more then one of His miracles, rest assured that my faith is unshakable) or that you just can't tell what God is doing in your life (fyi, we can't tell what the enemy is doing either and I highly doubt a God of love would ever make a woman infertile. Use the outcome for His will, yes. Torment you, no).
I hear the way I have spoken about others lately, and I don't like it. Which makes me wonder, do the other gossip perpetrators even think twice about what they did? The hurt they have caused and the friendships they have destroyed? Do they even realize that there will be unforseable consequences?
I do.
I don't just mean for their actions either, but for mine as well.
Gossip is like a ripple in a pond. You can't take it back, the effects are far reaching, you can't predict how the consequences will play out and you are often creating a cascade-ripple effect (it will just keep going).
When will all us ladies realize we need to stick together, love each other more then ourselves and stand up for one another? When will people start to say, "I really don't think that is appropriate to share"?
The bible talks about holding your brethern accountable for their actions:
Lastly there is scripture about how to deal with it if it spirals out of control or others sin against you:
Us women know we are not to gossip. Christian women know this especially, since the Bible makes Gods stance very clear. Which is...don't!
{Leviticus 19:16; Proverbs 11:13; Romans 1:29; 1 Timothy 5:13; Matthew 7:1; Proverbs 18:8}
Yet some people find it their business to tell other peoples personal business to everyone! The worst part, they use God. They tell themselves it isn't gossiping if they ask someone to pray for you or your situation. If they feel for you and share it with someone else then it is all good right? That means they are just concerned for you.
Ladies, it is still gossip if you call it something else (just like a lie is a lie, no matter the colour).
Myself, I have become the "righteous gossiper". Those who have gossiped about me, I feel should be open targets for me to gossip about. I don't mean that I intentionally set out to do it either. Just that in the moment, my anger takes over and revenge spills out. To say my hurt hasn't turned to anger and then into bitterness would be a farce. I am angry. I am bitter!
Mostly though, my husband and I both, are really hurt. We wanted to believe that there was somebody who would understand our desire to grieve in private, and we really didn't want the whole world to know (Galatians 6:2 ESV). We didn't want to experience all those things again. Just before I decided to start blogging this, we found out that everyone at my work knows. So somebody spread the news again even further, and these were people we specifically asked to please not tell a soul!
So why not talk about it, when everyone already know. The only thing that will be news to them is what it feels like going through all the effects of Multiple Miscarriages and Infertility.
After all, we had already heard enough about how we "need to pray more" (which thanks for the tip, but my husband has been praying over my belly since we were first married and I have been personally doing it for 6 years, so you can relax in knowing...thats not it), we don't have hope (I think the previous posts covers this a bit), we don't believe in the miracles that God performs (I have personally witnessed more then one of His miracles, rest assured that my faith is unshakable) or that you just can't tell what God is doing in your life (fyi, we can't tell what the enemy is doing either and I highly doubt a God of love would ever make a woman infertile. Use the outcome for His will, yes. Torment you, no).
I hear the way I have spoken about others lately, and I don't like it. Which makes me wonder, do the other gossip perpetrators even think twice about what they did? The hurt they have caused and the friendships they have destroyed? Do they even realize that there will be unforseable consequences?
I do.
I don't just mean for their actions either, but for mine as well.
Gossip is like a ripple in a pond. You can't take it back, the effects are far reaching, you can't predict how the consequences will play out and you are often creating a cascade-ripple effect (it will just keep going).
When will all us ladies realize we need to stick together, love each other more then ourselves and stand up for one another? When will people start to say, "I really don't think that is appropriate to share"?
The bible talks about holding your brethern accountable for their actions:
- Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. - Ephesians 4:25 ESV
- Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. -Proverbs 27:17 ESV
- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. -Colossians 3:16 ESV
- Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. - Hebrews 3:12-13 ESV
Then there are also scriptures about how to help yourself:
- “Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.” -Proverbs 26:20 (NIV)
- “Then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly.” -Deuteronomy 13:14 (NIV)
- “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” -Matthew 7:12 (NIV)
- “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” -Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
Lastly there is scripture about how to deal with it if it spirals out of control or others sin against you:
- Whoever says to the wicked, “You are in the right,” will be cursed by peoples, abhorred by nations, but those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will come upon them. -Proverbs 24:24-25 ESV
- When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! So if you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who have no standing in the church? I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, ... -1 Corinthians 6:1-8 ESV
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. -Ephesians 4:32 ESV- “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. -Matthew 18:15-17 ESV
Friday, March 2, 2012
Life As We Know It...
The other night we wept together and cried out in agony to God.
As the week progresses, the pain increases. We were told in January we're pregnant and our Doctor said we had the green light to get excited and plan for the best, all our blood tests showed a healthy pregnancy. So good were the numbers that he told us we might even have twins!
So we registered at Toys'R'us, as a way of getting to tell someone and not our friends. We learned from the other times that it is harder when you tell some of your friends. They get all weird and avoid you like you're bringing the plague or leprosy back!
So on our calender, we picked the opportune day to share the great news...March 3. We wanted all our friends to come and so planned far ahead and told everyone they "had" to come.
Our excitement was building, and we tried to book our midwife. We bought 2 cute outfits when we met Natalia, and learned all about cloth diapers.
Maybe we got a bit ahead of ourselves, but excitement doesn't come close to describing how we were feeling. Especially since I was being tested every 3 days and our Doctor said we were still good.
So we booked our ultra sound scan, and sat in the waiting room with the dumbest look on our faces. They ask you if you want pictures and we said we think we are 2 months...can we pick in the room? If we can't see much, we will wait till the next USS. We had a tech that wasn't the nicest (she said, "I can't tell you what things are, I am not a Dr." and seemed vagina phobic) and a really dumb Doctor (it was in the uterus on the scan, but next time he wanted to make sure it wasn't ectopic. Ask me if you don't know why he is stupid and I will explain). We learned from them that we apparently can't do math and the fetus(s) must be under 4 weeks (by the way an under 4 week fetus doesn't have a placenta).
I knew the worst was true.
My Doctor consoled me and told us to wait 2 more weeks. He said sometimes pregnancies can progress differently (I know they just can't blurt out what they think, till they know) and all our blood tests were more then good.
So for 2 weeks we waited, and this time I went by myself. I had an amazing tech that time, and she gave me the play-by-play of what she was seeing.
Unfortunately she said the words I have come to dread, "one moment I just need to get the Doctor to come have a look"
"is something wrong"
"no, he likes to double check the internal USS"
I knew it was bad news by the way, because after 2 weeks an abdominal scan would have been all I needed. So I waited in that cold room to hear our babies fate, it was a 'Blighted Ovum' (I do not like it, it sounds so much like we didn't have a baby growing in there and more like an alien that they are scared to call by name!)
The baby(s) never grew after the first 2 weeks, and everything else progressed normally (weight gain, placenta, etc). I wanted the floor to swallow me!
Instead I kept my tears inside, and probably looked like a freak as I tried to keep smiling and thanked them both. They were amazing at their job, I just had a dud.
I raced to my Doctor, who was nice enough to see me (without an appointment), and I asked him why this was happening to me.
I thought it couldn't get worse in the back of my mind, but I already knew what he was going to tell me.
My eggs are not genetically formed properly (told you those health problems were a sign my body is messed) and it is a 1 in a million chance that a genetically formed egg will meet sperm and make us a baby. We also need a Gynecologist (told you useless Doctor back in Red Deer six years ago. Thanks for wasting space in a Med Clinic!)
All that in a month and a half!
Great, so now I will endure unending miscarriages in the elusive chase of that one perfect egg!
Anyway, to sum it all up we didn't want to cancel this Saturday. We don't want to feel like we're lepers and stay alone, again this weekend in the house. So we are having a games party this weekend, and I hope that all we think about is gaming strategy. I need a break from all the "other" thinking I have been doing lately. It isn't constructive and it will not help me dominate while playing Settlers!
This whole thing feels so unfair!
No horror film comes close to recreating the nightmare we can't seem to escape.As the week progresses, the pain increases. We were told in January we're pregnant and our Doctor said we had the green light to get excited and plan for the best, all our blood tests showed a healthy pregnancy. So good were the numbers that he told us we might even have twins!
So we registered at Toys'R'us, as a way of getting to tell someone and not our friends. We learned from the other times that it is harder when you tell some of your friends. They get all weird and avoid you like you're bringing the plague or leprosy back!
So on our calender, we picked the opportune day to share the great news...March 3. We wanted all our friends to come and so planned far ahead and told everyone they "had" to come.
Our excitement was building, and we tried to book our midwife. We bought 2 cute outfits when we met Natalia, and learned all about cloth diapers.
Maybe we got a bit ahead of ourselves, but excitement doesn't come close to describing how we were feeling. Especially since I was being tested every 3 days and our Doctor said we were still good.
So we booked our ultra sound scan, and sat in the waiting room with the dumbest look on our faces. They ask you if you want pictures and we said we think we are 2 months...can we pick in the room? If we can't see much, we will wait till the next USS. We had a tech that wasn't the nicest (she said, "I can't tell you what things are, I am not a Dr." and seemed vagina phobic) and a really dumb Doctor (it was in the uterus on the scan, but next time he wanted to make sure it wasn't ectopic. Ask me if you don't know why he is stupid and I will explain). We learned from them that we apparently can't do math and the fetus(s) must be under 4 weeks (by the way an under 4 week fetus doesn't have a placenta).
I knew the worst was true.
My Doctor consoled me and told us to wait 2 more weeks. He said sometimes pregnancies can progress differently (I know they just can't blurt out what they think, till they know) and all our blood tests were more then good.
So for 2 weeks we waited, and this time I went by myself. I had an amazing tech that time, and she gave me the play-by-play of what she was seeing.
Unfortunately she said the words I have come to dread, "one moment I just need to get the Doctor to come have a look"
"is something wrong"
"no, he likes to double check the internal USS"
I knew it was bad news by the way, because after 2 weeks an abdominal scan would have been all I needed. So I waited in that cold room to hear our babies fate, it was a 'Blighted Ovum' (I do not like it, it sounds so much like we didn't have a baby growing in there and more like an alien that they are scared to call by name!)
The baby(s) never grew after the first 2 weeks, and everything else progressed normally (weight gain, placenta, etc). I wanted the floor to swallow me!
Instead I kept my tears inside, and probably looked like a freak as I tried to keep smiling and thanked them both. They were amazing at their job, I just had a dud.
I raced to my Doctor, who was nice enough to see me (without an appointment), and I asked him why this was happening to me.
I thought it couldn't get worse in the back of my mind, but I already knew what he was going to tell me.
My eggs are not genetically formed properly (told you those health problems were a sign my body is messed) and it is a 1 in a million chance that a genetically formed egg will meet sperm and make us a baby. We also need a Gynecologist (told you useless Doctor back in Red Deer six years ago. Thanks for wasting space in a Med Clinic!)
All that in a month and a half!
Great, so now I will endure unending miscarriages in the elusive chase of that one perfect egg!
Anyway, to sum it all up we didn't want to cancel this Saturday. We don't want to feel like we're lepers and stay alone, again this weekend in the house. So we are having a games party this weekend, and I hope that all we think about is gaming strategy. I need a break from all the "other" thinking I have been doing lately. It isn't constructive and it will not help me dominate while playing Settlers!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Sexier Then a Blowfish?
Right now, I feel less sexy then a blow-fish!
I am bloated, gained a lot of weight (not to mention cellulite), my skin looks horrible, I wear fear and bitterness on my face, and not to mention I am sure my Husband can relate to this picture...I am constantly short with patience lately, so he gets hurt a lot!
All of this trying, has really killed my body shape too. I look more cylindrical now then hour glass and if it wasn't for the fact that each pregnancy makes my boobs larger, I am quite sure it would appear as though my stomache swallowed them!
I am fairly certain that this is adding to my stress. I could be wrong, but the fact that my lips get more action then a garborator does (after each miscarriage), kinda says it all. If I come to your house, and hover over the food like a famine is starting tomorrow...I probably have recently miscarried. Food is my comfort, I am sad to say. Which only adds to my weight from the pregnancies and surgery.
Please keep the advice of, "well then stop eating" to yourself. it doesn't help here. Obviously I know what I have to do...stop the addiction!
Right now food is my Dr. Phil and I just need to reach the healing stage and stay there.
So far when I am there we get pregnant and loose the baby, and then I am back to square one. The stages get worse, as every time I end up morning the loss of every child combined. I haven't had the chance to grieve each child completely. Sometimes I just want to give up and sit on the couch, just eating crap all day!
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