Prada, Coach….baby?
Ah, yes. The baby accessory Mama
The Elusive Baby Club.
You know the one I am referring to, where the cost of membership is at least one baby (or in the process of one at least). The Club where if you have not delivered a baby or are not currently in the process of preparing for the, “due date” don’t bother trying to fit in.
This private club has no interest in your menial life, as you know it. No longer will your most valued moments come anywhere near to their much more superior-meaningful ones (such as poopy diapers, sleepless nights or you get the idea).
From here on out forget offering advice. Your life experiences or wisdom gained through others is useless here. Even if you held an Obstetrics Degree, their knowledge is far more superior to yours. They have passed through a right of passage; making their intellect far more advanced then yours and maturity now beyond your years.
If you have ever had the delight of this experience, then I am sure you understand what I mean. These girls can be besties if you are planning a family and frenemies the moment you have complications or delays (especially the unforeseeable future type).
They will tell you that it isn’t anything to do with you or your infertility, but then they are the same group of people who will write the unmarried friends off right in front of you too. They say things to the effect of, “I don’t hang out with single ladies. They just don’t understand what it is like to be married.”
Now I know it can be easier to hang out with people that share similar interests or have experienced the same things in life. However I do not see where this fits into being a Christian or into being a nice person at all! Whatever happened to having friends of all kinds and seeing life through their eyes? In rejoicing with them and weeping at the low points too.
Either they lied to me in Grade 1 with the whole ‘Your friend is my friend’ or what is more likely the reality…people are becoming more and more self absorbed.
Really, do you need to always talk about poopy diapers? Can’t you enjoy spending time with friends that don't have kids and enjoy talking about other “exciting” things?
I have friends of all types: lesbians; multicultural; differing religious or beliefs; male and female; short and tall; mothers; infertile; single and married; etc.
They all add something wonderful to my life. They have all taught me something new about myself, others, and relationship with God. They enrich my conversations and my life, with stories and with what brought them to where they are now. Each friend is unique and each one offers unique wisdom. If I don’t agree with what they are saying, we discuss it and then take what we want from it (realising that neither party is trying to sound like they know it all, just offering a perspective that may not have been considered). I call it the “take it with a pinch of salt and a cup of sugar” philosophy. Which in layman’s terms, means “use your brains and decide if it is the right thing and smile anyway”
I keep praying that God will give me patience to handle these situations.
Next time I swear, the next group that talks about being a cliché and ignoring people simply due tocircumstances out of their control (or by their own choice) I am going to scream "Cult!", run away and never speak to them again.